Cleveland Heights & Shaker Heights to Join the Greater Cleveland Conference
With the passage of resolutions at their most recent Board of Education Meetings, The Cleveland Heights-University Heights City Schools and the Shaker Heights Schools have accepted invitations to join the Greater Cleveland Conference (GCC). The Tigers and Raiders will begin competition in the GCC starting in the 2023-2024 school year.
About the GCC:
Established in 2016, the Greater Cleveland Conference is an athletic league within the Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) comprised of 6 schools in Cuyahoga County (Euclid HS, Solon HS, & Strongsville HS), Lake County (Mentor HS), & Medina County (Brunswick HS & Medina HS). Cleveland Hts. & Shaker Hts. (both located in Cuyahoga County) will bring the league membership to 8 schools beginning in 2023-2024. The GCC offers competition in conference play in 24 interscholastic sports.