Lorain to Join the Greater Cleveland Conference
Lorain to Join the Greater Cleveland Conference
With the passage of a resolution at their most recent Board of Education Meeting, The Lorain
City Schools have accepted an invitation to join the Greater Cleveland Conference (GCC). The
Titans will begin competition in the GCC starting in the 2025-2026 school year.
About the GCC:
Established in 2016, the Greater Cleveland Conference is an athletic league within the Ohio
High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) comprised of 7 schools in Cuyahoga County
(Cleveland Heights High School, Euclid High School, Shaker Heights High School and
Strongsville High School), Lake County (Mentor High School), & Medina County (Brunswick
High School & Medina High School). Lorain High School (Located in Lorain County) will bring
the league membership to 8 schools beginning in the 2025 – 2026 school year. The GCC offers
competition in conference play in 24 interscholastic sports.
About the move to the GCC:
From Brian Koury, Athletic Director at Lorain High School: “Lorain is very excited for this new
opportunity. Most of the existing GCC schools were in Lake Erie League back when we
originally joined, and we have competed against all of the schools in the GCC in non-league
play in recent years so there is definitely a familiarity. This is going to be exciting for Lorain
From Jeff Cassella, Athletic Director at Mentor High School, current GCC President: “We are
very happy that Lorain has accepted our invitation to join the Greater Cleveland Conference and
look forward to what they will bring in both athletic competitions and district wide opportunities in
the coming years. Lorain has a strong tradition and this partnership will strengthen our
conference for years to come.”